Bulb planting in Riverside Gardens, Bridport

In early October we organised a morning of bulb planting at Riverside Gardens with the promise of almost 1500 daffodils next spring. Three different varieties, Tamara, King Alfred and Best Seller will insure a succession of flower from February through to April.

A group of local volunteers supported by the Town Council gathered near the Bridge House Hotel. Mayor Ian Bark joined us and described it as “An excellent morning’s work alongside some lovely people”.

Groves Nursery generously provided the bulbs at cost price to the Gardening Club who donated them to the community.

Four local volunteer groups also benefit from the gift of 200 bulbs each for planting in publicly visible sites in their area including Watton Park, Wellfields, Lower Wallditch and Victoria Grove.

In addition, we donated 200 bulbs each to four local volunteer groups for planting in publicly visible sites in their area including Watton Park, Wellfields, Lower Wallditch and Victoria Grove. The varieties were selected to provide a long season of flower with Tamara from February, the well-known King Alfred mid-season to the later flowering Best Seller through to April. Depending on its success, we can decide on continuing to brighten Bridport with more bulb planting.

Bulb planting in Riverside Gardens
Bulb planting in Riverside Gardens
Bulb planting in Riverside Gardens