Plastic Free Bridport

We have received the following letter from Ian Bark, Mayor of Bridport:

“The campaign to achieve Plastic Free Bridport status has been re-ignited. This does not mean banning all plastic but is an attempt to get rid of single-use plastic in as many places as we can.

“In the past 100 years, humans have produced (and used) a lot of plastic. It’s cheap, strong, light and versatile, but all of it eventually ends up in the ground, in the air, and in the sea – which is where marine animals like albatross, dolphins and turtles ingest it. Our plastic waste has invaded the highest mountains and deepest oceans. No one knows exactly how long it will take to disappear, but it’s at least hundreds of years. Plastic breaks down, not to disappear, but often to be ingested by the smallest of creatures. Human beings now ingest thousands of plastic particles a year from drinking water, the air and from our food chain.

Plastic-free community status requires us to build an alliance to remove as much plastic as possible from businesses and organisations. To form an alliance, we need allies. I have recently become the Mayor and will soon enlist the Town Council to declare its support. I am asking Bridport Gardening Club to join with us to promote this idea to Bridport by becoming an ally. This would involve:

i. Helping us get the word out by obtaining the agreement of your membership and declaring that you support our initiative.

ii. Examining your own practices – are you already avoiding single-use plastics and what further steps could be taken for them to be replaced or removed?

iii. Support our aims by agreeing to help publicise our campaign. This could involve having our publicity material available at your meetings or even joining us in organising an event (such as an on-line film).

“With your help, we can begin to educate Bridport to the extent of the plastics crisis and hopefully enlist their support. There are nearly 7000 plastic-free communities across the UK: Lyme Regis, Weymouth and Portland are successfully engaging with their communities nearby.

“If you are keen on the idea, please contact us via the email address below.


“Ian Bark, Mayor of Bridport”

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