Grasses and their Place in the Garden

Thursday, 16 January 2025 7:00pm for 7:30pm Meeting

W.I. Hall, North Street, Bridport

Speaker Neil Lucas, Director of Knoll Gardens, Dorset
Knoll Gardens – Grasses

Neil Lucas is the UK’s leading ornamental grass specialist and Director of Knoll Gardens in Dorset.  He has been developing his naturalistic style at Knoll Gardens for over 29 years. He has also established a charity, the Knoll Gardens Foundation, which is devoted to understanding of the garden’s biodiversity and related sustainable gardens practice.

He has achieved 10 consecutive gold medals for Knoll Garden’s Nursery display at the Chelsea Flower show.

In the talk he will explore the use of grasses in designed spaces from naturalistic style of meadows and prairies to rain gardens.  Also alternative lawns offering environmentally conscious gardeners a mix of nature, friendly informal design, and easy maintenance.

Knoll Gardens – Grasses