Growing Through Climate Change Online Seminar – 21st May 2020

Thursday, 21 May 2020 7:00 - 8 :30pm Other


The Edible Garden team, at St. Mary’s school, is a member of Bridport Gardening Club. We have been working at the school through-out the lock down and sending our produce either to Cupboard Love or to the school kitchen where there are some pupils to be fed each day in term time. This project is run jointly with Transition Town Bridport (TTB) and Home in Bridport; I am a director of the former and a trustee of the latter.

TTB, in conjunction with Bridport Local Food group, are supporting a special online seminar on the 21st May. It is the launch of new research called GROWING THROUGH CLIMATE CHANGE  –  NEW RESEARCH ON SUSTAINING LOCAL FOOD SECURITY. This should have been a part of the Food festival in June. It is an academic paper, commissioned by Alan Heeks, with much of importance to local growers of food in allotments or large gardens. The Edible Garden Team are involved in this seminar and hope to be able to show our findings on how we can improve food security in Bridport by adapting our methods of growing.

There are 40 places, bookable on line, for  this event and I feel there should be a good presence from Bridport Gardening Club. Please click on the following link to download a pdf leaflet and share it with people who might be interested in participating.

Sarah Wilberforce
Volunteer Co-ordinator of the Edible Garden Project