Spectacular South African Flora

by Rosemary Legrand

At the Club’s February meeting the Chairman announced that monies from the Plant stall at the Show on March 30th will be donated to Age Concern UK – Bridport branch.

Rosemary Legrand captivated members as she shared the wonderful sights and sounds of South Africa with music and vibrant  photographs. On a self drive tour, which began in Cape Town,and continued up the West coast, then south east through vast vineyards,to the Indian Ocean, concluding the holiday on safari in the Shamwari game reserve. Gardens visited varied from Nelson Mandela’s tiny plot on Robben Island to the vast Kirstenbosch gardens boasting 19,000 species.

Rosemary’s wonderful photography included miniature blooms rooted in improbable dry rock clefts, and huge swathes of glorious wild flowers, to the herd of elephants they chanced upon when rounding a bend in the safari park.

Whilst imparting her considerable botanical knowledge, Rosemary’s talk was also greatly enhanced by the many illustrations of the fauna, both birds and animals, which she delighted in sharing with us.