Cheque presentation to The Living Tree

Bridport Gardening Club has donated £100 towards supporting the allotment area recently acquired by The Living Tree. The money will go towards buying some small gardening tools and to create a new seating area.

The Living Tree is a self-help support group for people who have experienced cancer as well as for their families and carers. The allotment provides a relaxing place for anyone affected by cancer to meet others and enjoy the benefits of a communal garden area; whether it’s sitting and chatting or tending the garden or a bit of both. The Gardening Club members who attended the presentation were very impressed by the work already carried out on the allotment. The hospitality and refreshments, made fresh from the allotment, by Alison Boyland and Carol Banks (not omitting the warm welcome from Bertie the dog) were very much appreciated. 

This is a good example of the Gardening Club working together to support Bridport town and it’s community. Why not help us to achieve more by volunteering some of your time to work with the committee in promoting the club? 

Left to right: Sibyl Gale, Pam Cant, Margaret Genender, Jackie Martin, Monique Pasche
presenting the cheque to Living Tree’s Alison Boyland and Carol Banks.